Portarlington Produce Tree Swap

Organised Produce & Homemade Goods Swaps are held on the 2nd & 4th Saturday's of the month 10am-11am *weather permitting*

28 Brown Street PORTARLINGTON VIC 3223

What's it all about?

The concept of the Port Produce Tree, GROW FREE & Swaps is for members of the local community to share their excess homegrown produce.
Produce can be dropped off at The Tree, which is located at 28 Brown Street, Portarlington.

There are regular Swaps held for like-minded members of our community to swap produce, recipes , growing tips and just have a relaxed chat. It will also allow for items such as eggs (which cannot be left at the produce tree due to health regulations) jams, relishes etc to be swapped. This will be a communal style of swap, where items are placed on the table and what is needed is taken. There isn’t a monetary value placed on goods to swap.

The Produce Tree is open during daylight hours 7 days a week for anyone to drop off and/or take fresh uncut homegrown produce at any time.

Grow Free Garden including a herb garden, orchard and vegetable garden.

Related Keywords: growfree homegrown food swap


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A number of our Victorian listings are sourced from The Field Guide to Victorian Produce, the first comprehensive guide to Victoria's regional produce and the people that grow, make and sell it.